
Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer, Infertility; Are Our Children at Risk?

In Uncategorized on August 21, 2012 at 11:28 pm

Cell phones; we can’t live without them, but are they safe for you, for your children?  Can they cause cancer, infertility?  Contrary to firmly held beliefs, invisible radio frequency radiation can alter living cells and increase the risk of cancer and neurological disease. If it were true, we’d know about it; such a logical statement. We all have cell phones and if the FDA and others had reason to think they are unsafe, they would tell us, right?  No. And I guess the last thing the cell phone industry wants is for us to know about the serious biological damage radiation is causing.

Today, on Survive and Live Well, I had a great discussion on this topic with Dr Devra Davis.  Dr Davis gave clarity to the issue of radiation, and offered suggestions on how to reduce risk from not just cell phones, but also the cordless and wireless technology we all know and love.

Cell phones are two-way microwave radio that changes brain cells and alters glucose levels (the brain’s main fuel).  Since a brain tumor utilizes excessive amounts of glucose, changes in glucose utilization may be a key mechanism to support tumor growth.  Even short-term exposure to nerve cells from cell phones can increase glucose in the brain.  Thankfully, our DNA works to repair and prevent damage to our cells from becoming permanent.  So, if the body is capable of repairing itself, then why worry? The system can fail, become overwhelmed, and cancers develop.  However, and you knew this was coming, a diet rich in antioxidants is an excellent tool for combating or minimizing the damage from radiation (cell phone, dental, scan-related, etc). Remember, that distance is your friend.  Do not carry your phone on your body or place it against your head.  Use handsets and speaker phones, and do not use your phone when the signal is weak.  Set your phone to airplane mode when not in use.

Medical science now understands that because the causes of chronic diseases can take decades to be detected (sometimes up to 40 years, as in the case of brain cancer), we should not wait for definitive human evidence.  It is better to prevent harm than wait for proof that harm has happened. In fact, there are a few dozen compounds that we know cause cancer in humans, and these cancers developed after years of exposure (think tobacco, asbestos)…I, for one, do not wish to be the proverbial guinea pig, and our children are not to be science experiments.

Please donate today to further the research. Pick up a copy of Disconnect…I promise you, you will be inspired, informed, and armed with the information you need to protect yourselves and your children. Knowledge is indeed power; I sincerely hope that we have empowered you.

If you missed the show, I post archives on my website, or visit www.W4CS.com as shows are replayed on the network.

For more information:









Join us Tuesday, August 28st, as I chat with John Coleman, who lost his youngest son to testicular cancer.  John works tirelessly to bring awareness of early detection of testicular cancer to the forefront. Likely radiation is playing a role here too, so let’s get those cell phones out of our pockets. We will also chat with Rachel Papas when she talks about her experience with breast cancer, mental illness, and what she learned and what you can learn from her.

You can listen live, Tuesday at 1pm, on http://www.W4CS.com, the internet radio show for cancer.

Elyn Jacobs



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 Devra Davis founded Environmental Health Trust in 2007 in Teton County, Wyoming to provide basic research and education about environmental health hazards and promote constructive policies locally, nationally and internationally. Dr. Davis lectures at Georgetown, Harvard, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and other universities, and was Founding Director, Center for Environmental Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, and Professor of Epidemiology at the Graduate School of Public Health (2004-2009).The Secret History of the War on Cancer was a top pick by Newsweek, is forming the basis for national cancer policy revisions by the South African Cancer Society, and is being used at major schools of public health, including Harvard, Emory, and Tulane University. Dr. Davis also was the founding director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the U.S. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences and Scholar in Residence, 1983-1993. Her new book, Disconnect, selected by TIME magazine as a top pick, provides shocking detail about cell phone radiation and your health, is receiving kudos from experts and policy makers around the world, and is the subject of broad multi-media coverage.

Elyn Jacobs is a breast cancer survivor, professional cancer coach, radio talk show host, speaker, and the Executive Director for the Emerald Heart Cancer Foundation. Elyn empowers women to choose the path for treatment that best fits their own individual needs.  She is passionate about helping others move forward into a life of health and wellbeing. Elyn lives in New York with her husband and two young boys. To learn more about Elyn’s coaching services, please visit:  https://elynjacobs.wordpress.com.  To tune into the Survive and Live Well radio show, please visit www.W4CS.com, Tuesdays at 1pm (EST).



  1. […] Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer, Infertility; Are Our Children at Risk? […]

  2. […] Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer, Infertility; Are Our Children at Risk? […]

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